Database TestingDb SQL Executor Csv Loader

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DB SQL Executor (CSV Loader or CSV Importeer)

This is particularly useful where as part of your testing:

  • You are not satisfied only with the REST responses and you want to verify the DB changes has gone well or not. It’s very easy to and sometimes it’s a good practice to test this DB verification bit too.
  • You need to perform a database setup step to load data using SQL or from a CSV file.

Sample Test steps

CSV Data to Store

Given a data file my_csv_data_file.csv in csv format:

1001, 23, Ronaldo
1002,   , Devaldo
1003, 35, Trevaldo

Test Scenario

When executing the scenario below, the first step loads data in CSV format into the table players and the second reads the data using a SQL query and verifies the stored values.

    "scenarioName": "DbSqlExecutor: Load a CSV file with headers",
    "steps": [
            "name": "Insert rows from a CSV file with headers",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.core.db.DbSqlExecutor",
            "operation": "LOADCSV",
            "request": {
                "tableName": "players",
                "csvSource": "my_csv_data_file.csv",
                "withHeaders": true
            "verify": {
                "size": 3
            "name": "Check the content of inserted rows",
            "url": "org.jsmart.zerocode.core.db.DbSqlExecutor",
            "operation": "EXECUTE",
            "request": {
                "sql": "SELECT ID, NAME, AGE FROM PLAYERS ORDER BY ID"
            "verify": {
                "rows.SIZE": 3, 
                "rows": //<-- to make this pass in postgres, set the keys (example: "rows") to lowercase
                        "ID": 1001,
                        "NAME": "Ronaldo",
                        "AGE": 23
                        "ID": 1002,
                        "NAME": "Devaldo",
                        "AGE": null
                        "ID": 1003,
                        "NAME": "Trevaldo",
                        "AGE": 35

where, the “verify” block represents the rows/records of the SELECT query result, as shown below:

            "verify": {
                    {"ID": 1001, "NAME": "Ronaldo", "AGE": 23},
                    {"ID": 1002, "NAME": "Devaldo", "AGE": null},
                    {"ID": 1003, "NAME": "Trevaldo", "AGE": 35}

Config properties

To connect the database, you have to add your DB host, user and password details in the target environment properties file, e.g.

Using the H2 Database Engine in a local file, without authentication:


Using the PostgreSQL Database Engine, using the default user:


DB SQL Executor operations

To interact with the database you have to set the url to org.jsmart.zerocode.core.db.DbSqlExecutor as indicated in the example. Then you can invoke two different operations:

The EXECUTE operation runs a SQL statement:

  • Request:
    • sql (required): The SQL statement to execute.
    • sqlParams (optional): An array with the values of paramameters that are to be pased to the statement (the statement should includes placeholders ? to match the parameters).
  • Response:
    • rows (if the query is a SELECT): The data retrieved from the database.
    • empty (if the query is INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE).

The LOADCSV operation stores the content of a CSV file into a table.

  • Request:
    • tableName (required): The name of the table where load the data into.
    • csvSource (required): The name of the CSV file that is stored in the resources folder. Alternatively, you can pass an array of strings, each is a CSV line.
    • withHeaders (optional):
      • If false (default), all columns in the table are loaded (number and order of columns in CSV must match with the database).
      • If true, the first row in the CSV indicates the columns that are to be loaded.
    • nullString (optional):
      • By default, empty or blank columns in the CSV are inserted as NULL.
      • If you need to load empty non null columns, set this property to some value (e.g. NULL) to indicate the column values that must be stored as NULL.
  • Response:
    • size: The number of rows that where stored.